Monaí de Paula Antunes
Calling attention to the colonial mind-sets embedded within design praxis, researcher and transmission artist, Monaí de Paula Antunes‘s shares her thinking on ‘Wild Design’.
Monaí de Paula Antunes is an artistic researcher, transmission artist and radio-maker interested in complexity and communication together with their material, spatial and political entanglements. Her current research Wild Design contests hegemonic understandings of design and embraces the contradiction inherent to what wild means today, particularly engaging with responsive human-environment relationships that favor the circumstances over predetermined structures. Her work also engages with the rich materialities and multiple cultural traditions of radio, calling attention through them to peripheral manifestations of cybernetics and ecology. Becoming infrastructure, her work hopes to decentralise and connect modes, sites and processes of knowledge-making and exchange, as well as expand perceptions on the environment, more-than-human intelligence and technology. By using radio to set up perfomative archives in different ways, she tries to restore and reinvent spatial and nonlinear qualities to navigation. Furthermore she tries to contest connoted Media Art and AI aesthetics.
Date of publication
Mon 5 Jun 2023