Julia Costa Carneiro
Julia will share her work on the pan-European Innovation Action GREENGAGE, where she leads on the development of a new approach on communities-led policy and governance innovation through Citizen Observatories. She reflects on the partnership with Bristol City Council, introduces methodologies for setting up Observatories and touches on tactics for public engagement to improve East Bristol’s Liveable Neighbourhood scheme.
Julia Costa Carneiro is the Research Lead at Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC) and has over fifteen years of experience in designing place-based transition, encompassing public engagement, urban practice, and civic innovation. Her knowledge and experience is deeply rooted in in social movements in Germany, alongside studies in social and political conflicts, both of which inform her approach to organising change. Central to this is a commitment to developing transdisciplinary pathways for local transformation, with a focus on systems change, situated experimentation and transdisciplinary learning.
Currently Julia leads on the actualisation of KWMC’s Bristol Living Lab and works on co-designing collective investigations and arts-based interventions that support just, regenerative, and solidarity futures as well as the democratisation of urban development.
Date of publication
Wed 13 Nov 2024