Stadtteilbüro Friedrichshain
Stadtteilbüro Friedrichshain co-ordinates and acts as a contact point for information and citizen participation about the neighbourhoods urban and social planning and development. As part of the 10 anniversary programme, we invited members of the organisation to share their work. Find out more at their mobile info point at Traveplatz, Weichselstr *corner of Oderstr on Sat, 30th from 12-17.00.
Stadtteilbüro Friedrichshain is a partisan group, who coordinate activates associated relating to the neighbourhoods urban planning and social cohesion. Acting as a bridge and anchor point, it connects the various civil society initiatives, working in the neighbourhood and provides consultation, translation services and supports for addressing key changes including, those relating to rent increases and touristification.
Image source: Stadtteilbüro Friedrichshain
Date of publication
Mon 18 Sep 2023